Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reflection on Oral presentation 2

On 25th of March 2010, we had an oral presentation for CG1413 problem solving. This is my second presentation in NUS. Because we are presenting in 5 person group, so each of our presentation part is not long, this make me don't have to speak a lot in class.

Team Reflection
My teammate Andy, is a strong speaker. He speaks very loud but clear, and manage to present his point well. But the content of his presentation a bit lack of humor and too much facts and points. I think that he too serious when he presenting in-front of the class, he should relax a bit.

My teammate Joon Wai is doing quite well in his presentation, his presentation has humor, contents are clear and concise, and his face don't show nervous when he in front of the audience. But i think that he can improve on his presentation by showing more face expression when he presenting.

My teammate Annie is doing fine with her presentation. When she speak in-front of the audience, we can know that she really nervous. But still, she manage to overcome her fears and present her point until the end. This is very good.

My teammate Corn is also doing fine. But i think he went a bit too fast with his presentation. But still, he able to present his points in clear and concise way.

Individual Reflection
Before i enter NUS,during my school time in Malaysia, i am not really a person who is good at presentation. I am the most quiet student in the school and every time there is a presentation, i always do very badly.I always get nervous all the time when i come out and face the audience. Because of this, i always can't talk right and can't think of what to say. I think the lack of communcation with my school friends is the main reason i feel nervous.

In my school, my teachers never taught us about communication and how to do a good presentation. Even for my English teacher, she worry more about her students grades instead of other non academic stuff that is important to students.This is also another reason why i do badly in presentation.

It is hard to believe that a person like me that is very bad at presentation can change into a good speaker in such a short time in university. I am proud of myself because i am able to change my weakness into a strength.


  1. Hi Jeisern,

    To be frank i am shocked to hear that you were a quiet student back in Malaysia.Of course everyone does feel nervous when they do presentation.Do you remember our lecturer saying that he feels nervous too even though he has been giving lectures for so many years?It is normal to be nervous.From my point of view, your presentation was very good and impressive on that day.Your slides were interesting and i heard laughter from the audience.You also ensured the audience had active participation.These are 2 aspects i would have to learn from you.Perhaps you can further improve by speaking with a more energetic tone and have more facial expressions.Finally, it is good that you are learning much from this module.That is the reason why we are here in university.It's to be proud of yourself and keep up with the good work.

    Best Regards,
    Joon Wai.

  2. Hey Jeisern,

    I think you did a very interesting presentation. It's not easy to do all the animations with such classy looking stick figures. You have worked on your strengths despite being quiet, and I believe this has made your presentation enjoyable for the class. It is your own way of connecting with your audience and this sets you apart from the rest of our group.

    As for further improvements, I think you could simply try to refer less to your cards. I notice you had quite a number and there were times when you paused while trying to find what to say. Work more on your communication skills so next time you do not need to rely so heavily on graphics to keep your audience's attention.

    Keep up the good work :)


  3. Hey Jeisern,

    I'd like to say that it was apparent that you put in tremendous efforts into your slides, but at the same time, you must make sure that you send your point across clearly. Though use of humor and animation greatly helps in ensuring that you have your audience's attention, it is easy to digress and move off topic. Hence you must be sure to reinforce your point.

    Based on what you said regarding your education in Malaysia, i must say that you have definitely come a long way and improved greatly. Communication and presentation skills are life-skills, and it is never too late to learn these skills.

    Like what i commented on Cornelius' blog, the first step to overcome nervousness is to be more vocal and speak up. By speaking out loud, you will appear more confident of yourself and sound a lot more convincing, which is crucial in any presentation.

    Lastly, i would like to say that i enjoyed working with you, and hope you feel likewise.

  4. Hi Jeisern,

    I loved the way you made up for your weakness in the command of the language with the creativity of your power point slides. You managed to focus on your strengths to give a very entertaining presentation. I would just like to encourage you to continue to work on your English and be an even better presenter.

    I had a great time working with you and thanks for all the hard work that you have put in for our presentation.


  5. Hi Jeisern,

    I must say I am surprised to hear you say you were bad at giving presentations and was always nervous when doing so! From your two presentations in class I had the impression that you were comfortable giving presentations. your witty remarks and humorous presentations helped engaged the audience and captivated their interest. I throughly enjoyed your presentations and found that they made the topic relatable. While i agree with andy that one must be cautious not to go off topic, I believe adding the topic sentence or main idea to some of your slides or reminding the audience the purpose of the analogies would help reinforce the message.

    Lastly, I liked the way you summarized the performance of each of your team mates in two sentences. It was witty and accurate not to mention fun to read.
