Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reflection on principles of communication/Teamwork on programming and problem-solution projects

Well in CG1413 and CG1102, I discover a lot of things about myself and the important of communications in teamwork.

Before I started these 2 modules, I always thought that teamwork in programming can lessen the burden of my assignment, but actually that might not be always true. Sometimes the given lab project is very big and is difficult to divide the task since the task are very related and me and my teammate don’t want the written code to be very different from each other. So in our team, some of my team does more work and some of my team does less work. I m the team leader in my CG1102 group and I take the responsibility seriously, so mostly I had to do more work for most of the lab. The work for this lab project is more compare to my lab project last sem where it was individual lab.

During my days in my CG1102 lab project, I found out that is very hard to have a good communication when working in team. There is one time, when my teammate asks me for permission to change the code of the program so that it work well for his code; I thought that he only change minor part of the code so I allow him to do it. But in the end, he changed on how the whole code function and lead to some errors to the project we are working on. This cause more work for the other teammates to go and debug all the errors. If I ask clearly on what he going to change at that time and suggest another better way to deal with the problem before allow him to do so, then this accident won’t happen.

For my problem-solution project that is CG1413 project, I found out that teamwork can sometimes be really helpful. There is one time, our problem-solution project proposal hasn’t even started yet, the deadline is already over one day and most of my teammate didn’t know about it, only I and one of my teammate noticed it. We try to finish it together during that night by dividing the task; where he will be doing the proposal and I will be drawing the GATT chart for the proposal. In the end, we manage to finish it very quickly and upload it into the NUS wiki. From that experience, I notice that teamwork can sometimes be very effective.

I think that i contributed quite a lot for my CG1102 project in the team. I written 2 lab report, design and implement a lot of the program code, and even help to check my teammate with their work. I also contribute some idea to the team when we design new method for the functionality of the program.

For CG1413 project, i think i didn't contribute much to it. I help the team draw charts, take some part of the project to do presentation, help them to draw GATT Chart and contribute some idea to the team. I think that i could contribute more than that, if i wasn't busy with CG1102 project. I feel sorry for my CG1413 team, i hope that they will forgive me.


  1. Hi Jeisern,

    I think that you do not need to ask for forgiveness from your CG1413 group which also consists of me as a team member.I think that you have done great in our problem solving project and contributed a lot to it.It is natural to put more effort in your CG1102 project as the workload is much heavier compared to the CG1413 problem solving project.

    You mentioned about your misunderstandings with your team mates throughout the project.I think it is natural to have misunderstandings while working together in a group because everyone has a different way of thinking.

    As Dr Colin said,that will be the way things work when you start working after you graduate.So it is now a opportunity to get a grasp what life would be like when you start working.I hoped that what i said gave you a better understanding what teamwork and communication is about.All the best in your future life.

    Joon Wai.

  2. Hi Jeisern,

    I agree that sometimes misunderstandings can be very frustrating and costly but overcoming all these problems is part of teamwork as well. We should learn from our mistakes and not repeat them again.

    Regarding your contribution towards CG1413, I feel that you have also played an important part although sometimes it may not be obvious. For example, I can tell that you put in a lot of effort in making the slides for our presentation. These things do add up to contribute greatly to the project and I certainly do not think that there is a lack of contribution on your part.

    Lastly, I would like to say that I am glad to have worked with you and I would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming exams :)


  3. Hey Jeisern,

    First of all, i would like to apologize for not remembering the deadline for the NUS wiki. Perhaps like you, i was too caught up with the other deadlines from all the other projects, and i hope you would forgive me and the rest who forgot as well.

    As for the CG1102 project, i agree that having a team does not necessarily simplify matters. In fact, with regards to our CG1102 project, given that we are all relatively new to this programming language, having to add team programming into the equation is definitely not an easy task. Nonetheless, i am glad your group managed to pull through and come to realize that a team is only effective when there is teamwork.

    On the CG1413 project, it was apparent that you put in a lot of effort in making your slides, trying to make the presentation a success. That alone is a very notable contribution to the whole project and hence, do not feel that you did not contribute sufficiently to the project.

    To end off, i would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming exams. STUDY HARD!!

  4. Hi Jasen,

    This is certainly an interesting post, I find your insights about teamwork very astute.

    While teamwork allows us to tackle projects of a large scale, sometimes managing a team can be be both stressful and time consuming. Your examples and personal reflection emphasizes these points well and makes it relatable for the reader.

    I liked how you identified your strengths by citing how you take your role as team leader seriously and were able to efficiently assign tasks to your team mates.

    I hope to work with you in the future and wish you all the best in your Finals!

    Be Veg . Go Green . Save the Planet .
    Kai Ren

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