Friday, February 12, 2010

Reflection on meeting 1

During the Wednesday 10 of February, I and my CG1102 teammate had conducted a meeting in one of the Prince George Park meeting room. The meeting is about how to design a CEG hypermarket and present it. Our lecturer wants us to record the meeting process, so we have to find one camera man. The camera man sacrifice some of his time helping us records the whole meeting and don’t even involve in the meeting. If the meeting takes about 3 hours, I will feel very sorry for him because he has to waste 3 hour with us. In addition, when I was talking in the meeting, I feel uncomfortable when the camera keeps pointing at me. Maybe that is my personal problem, I don’t quite use to getting recorded.

The meeting went on very smoothly, and we manage to finish it quite fast about 17 minutes. Everyone knows their role in the project and will finish it by this Monday, where Monday is the deadline that we set to make sure everyone complete their jobs. I think short meeting is a good thing, because it doesn’t waste a lot of anyone time in decide or conclude something. I also think setting a deadline for a job to be done is also a good way in making sure everyone will do their work on time and not wait for the last minute when we about to summit the report.

In my opinion, I think one meeting is not enough for the CG1102 project meeting, because we cant compare or check whether every team member are doing their role correctly. If there are some problems in the project, we can discuss it during the second project meeting too. So I think second meeting is essential for making sure the CG1102 project complete smoothly.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Resolving interpersonal conflict

What is interpersonal conflict? Interpersonal conflict basically means one or both persons relationship are experiencing difficulty in working with each other. It usually happen when two people have different goal, needs or styles of working. Conflicts usually have negative impact such as anger, sad, confusion, etc. During this time, each person decides whether to ignore the conflict or confront it directly. The successful resolution of conflict will improve the relationships, whereby bad confrontation like scolding, name calling, or blaming will destroys the relationship or make the team goal harder to achieve. The way you confront the conflict is very important. In my opinion, for a successful conflict resolution, it depends on some personal ability.

1) Stay Calm.
By staying calm, we can think properly and speak properly without using the wrong word. Few wrong words in resolving conflict will lead to more serious impact on the conflict and will lead to a road of no return. If you cant stay calm in that situation, i think you should get out of there and go to someplace that is relaxing to calm down, then go back to resolve your conflict.

2) Control emotions
Don’t let your emotion control you, when u resolving conflict. Emotion will guide your mind in doing something that will make you not so angry or sad like scolding, blaming or name calling. This is definitely bad when you try to reduce the conflict.
So EQ is a main key in solving conflicts. We must start train our emotion quotient well, to handle situation like this.

Resolving interpersonal conflict is tough job. It needs courage and skill in order to work it out nicely. When we confronting the conflict, it tests the true quality of our relationships and improves our mutuality and interdependence.